Author Julia Espey is many things: a rocket scientist (literally), a business executive, a classical painter whose masterpieces have an national following, and a pioneer in the area of conscious parenting aimed toward enlightened child development and life preparation. However credible and colorful her credentials, Julia’s calling to be an author and speaker arose not from her professional pursuits but from the very personal experience of finding herself as a single mom when her son was young. As he grew into a little boy she was struck with the realization that as a single mother she had to be both mother and father and… she had no idea how to be a father!
So Julia turned to what she knew best from her years as a NASA researcher – research. She began researching fathering by asking dads to share with her their parenting wisdom. Her burning question for each of them was: “What’s the most important lesson—mindset, idea or values—that you taught your children?” Her first book, If I Were Your Daddy, This is What You’d Learn, comprises the answers from thirty highly successful men, committed fathers all. Representing the most comprehensive father/mentor guide ever written, it is geared to both new and seasoned dads, single moms, parent educators and others seeking perspectives on raising children. Julia’s mentor, Jack Canfield, best known for co-creating the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, contributes the book’s foreword. If I Were Your Daddy, This is What You’d Learn was released in Fall 2010.
Book publishing is but one wing of Julia’s organization, Transformational Education LLC, whose charter embraces the belief that One Great Idea Can Change a Life™. Tapping into a wellspring of insight through her research (book and otherwise), Julia shares with parents how, through the power of thought, feeling and the spoken word, to give their children life skills beyond the academic. Her goal is nothing less than to inspire, empower and assist parents globally in their quest to practice conscious parenting, through print, audio and online-format books, conference keynotes and other speaking engagements, media appearances and personal consulting.
Now residing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Julia is married and is currently raising her son with husband Lance. She remains uniquely qualified and poised to accomplish this, her latest vision. History indicates that it most certainly won’t be her last.