Virtual Fall Gathering 2020: Association of Transformational Leaders
Join your fellow transformational leaders for conversation, community and inspiration!
Because we can’t get together in person this October, we’re hosting a Virtual Falling Gathering via Zoom video conference, October 8th, from 7:00 – 8:30pm, Central Time.
As transformational leaders we facilitate the transformation in people with whom we work. During 6 bi-annual gatherings we are considering the 6 Initiatives of Transformation put forth by Paul R. Scheele, PhD, in his doctoral research and dissertation.
In our October 2020 gathering we will explore Initiative #4: Help express new awareness and perspectives through discourse and deep listening. This initiative comes after actively challenging our habits of expectation and “presencing” (being present and sensing) what is emerging as a desired future.
Powerful technologies have been developed to aid this initiative including the MIT Dialog Process, World Café, Genius Code by Dr. Win Wenger & Dr. Paul Scheele, and Future Mapping by Masanori Kanda & Dr. Paul Scheele.
In our Virtual gathering, we will explore a variety of deep listening strategies and hear from musician Steven C. Anderson about his approaches to presencing and articulating musical ideas that come to him. We will also explore Future Mapping with one of it’s creators, Masanori Kanda, and the power of altruism to help develop our skills of being present to the ideal next steps for us to take in our personal and professional development.
There will be plenty of opportunity to connect, both in small group discussions and in sharing insights with the large group.
The event is free to our members and their invited guests, though your financial support is very much appreciated if you are inspired to do so. (Click on the Donate Button and enter any amount you like)
Looking forward to “seeing” you Thursday October 8th!
NOTE: There is a Zoom Meeting Id and Passcode.
These were sent in an email to ATL Members. If you did not get this infromation, please use the Contact Us form HERE, to let us know and we’ll send it to you.

Paul Scheele, PhD
TLC Member, Author, Founder atl
Help Express New Awareness and Perspectives
Fourth in the six part series: Transformational Leaders Curriculum
Initiative #4: Help express new awareness and perspectives through discourse and deep listening.
This initiative comes after actively challenging our habits of expectation and “presencing” (being present and sensing) what is emerging as a desired future
Powerful technologies have been developed to aid this initiative including the MIT Dialog Process, World Café, Genius Code by Dr. Win Wenger & Dr. Paul Scheele, and Future Mapping by Masanori Kanda & Dr. Paul Scheele.
In our Virtual gathering, we will explore a variety of deep listening strategies and hear from musician Steven C. Anderson about his approaches to presencing and articulating musical ideas that come to him. We will also explore Future Mapping and the power of altruism to help develop our skills of being present to the ideal next steps for us to take in our personal and professional development.
You can read more about this work on Paul’s blog here:
Six initiatives links:
4th Inititative:

Masanori Kanda
Author, Educator, Mind Mapping Creator
Guest Presenter
The origins and development of Future Mapping as a tool for “presencing and articulating the emerging future.”
Mr. Kanda’s presentation will be followed by a Q & A.
Voted as Japan’s No.1 Marketer by GQ Japan, Masanori Kanda is one of the most influential business book authors in Japan. His books have sold over 3.5 million copies. Mr. Kanda has a track record of successfully marketing business & educational concepts in Japan – including Photoreading, Direct Marketing, Mindmapping. He helps international authors and business consultants promote their activities, and philosophies in Asia. He was the Japan representative for Whirlpool Corporation, and named the Most Valuable Employee in Asia. Prior to Whirlpool, he worked for a strategic management consulting firm and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Japanese government. He is currently the President and CEO of Almacreation, Inc. He also serves on the board of Japan Learning Design Association. Mr. Kanda has an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, an MA in Economics from New York University, and a BA in International Studies in Sophia University.

Steven C Anderson
Guest Musician
ATL Member Presenter
Presencing & Articulating Musically
Steven C will share his process of musically “presencing and articulating” his performances and compositions, as well as a few delightful musical examples, followed by a Q & A.
Celebrated composer and pianist Steven C (a.k.a. Steven C. Anderson) fills his life with the gift of music. Through his passion and artistry, he delivers his music in a way that stirs both mind and heart. As a respected recording artist, Steven C has sold over 2 million CD’s throughout his diverse musical endeavors.
Classically trained and gifted with a keen ear and sensibility for all styles of music, Steven left a one of a kind footprint at Hamline University as he received his BA in music performance. Beyond being an esteemed 20 year performing artist, Steven also lends his talents to many outside venues, such as the Fitzgerald Theater, Minnesota Public Radio, as well as, countless musical groups and churches. He is also the producer for the award winning “Baby Genius” series. Additionally, Steven proudly, along with other venerable musicians as Tori Amos and Victor Borge, endorses the illustrious Bosendorfer grand piano. His cherished 9’ instrument centers his home and recording studio overlooking the beautiful river valley in the Twin Cities.